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Sunday, December 18, 2011

Cesium Chloride: One of the Most Proven and Potent Cancer Cures


Cesium is a very alkaline mineral that was found to be successful in the treatment of various cancers. In fact, the cesium chloride is so effective that was treated successfully in patients with stage four cancer and suffering from cancers such as lymphoma and leukemia, even if the cancer has spread in the body.
Best of all, is one of the cures of cancer may be less luxury in the world, in contrast to chemotherapy and radiation therapy patients and their families financially ruined.
Brief history of the cesium chloride
Cancer fighting properties of a cesium chloride were discovered in the 1930s, when A. Keith Brewer, a physicist, are confused in the study and treatment of cancer has a set of rules, based on highly alkaline minerals. The treatment of cancer, which has been developed so successful that all 30 patients survived in the study of various forms of cancer.
All patients can be considered as a terminal or "end of life" - - in other words, later doctors, tests of another cancer researcher Dr. HE Sartori in 1981, there is also the same one notable exception, had produced already take place, however, helped the cancer treatment protocol Sartori half of their patients to stay alive, if not modern medicine and all appeals against the cancer would go forwardd!
How does the cesium chloride
Cancer cells in the body does not provide enough oxygen because they have a hardened outer membrane is almost impassable. Without enough oxygen, cells can not oxidize glucose for energy, but depends on fermentation for fuel, they need to leave to survive. Unfortunately, this method increases the presence of lactic acid, which is the cell's ability to increase the control cells bypasses to control what to uncontrolled cell growth in cancer.
Fortunately, the cesium chloride, the unique ability to go through the membranes cured of cancer cells. After the rupture of the outer walls of cancer cells, cesium chloride, with its high alkalinity, the values of cell pH increased back to normal and prevents the cell from the fermentation of glucose into energy so efficiently that cancer cells die of hunger.
Best of all, this goal of treatment protocol that cancer cells but not the widespread destruction of various, non-targeted chemotherapy, radiotherapy and other treatments for cancer, all cells is caused in the way.
Cure of cancer more you never even heard

There's a reason why most cancer patients have never heard of cesium chloride, despite the fact that their effectiveness has been known for 80 years - the doctor of medicine and public companies are greedy! They prefer to remain unproductive to treatment, and toxic chemicals from supply price, instead of believing that a cure was found effectivereasonably prices in decades.
The health care professionals through protocols of cesium chloride in their patients by the medical community, so that many patients complete treatment itself has been attacked. Fortunately, unlike other treatments for cancer Cesium chloride is a treatment protocol that only requires very little control or knowledge, so that it made a good alternative for future treatments currently used by conventional medicine.
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More like you (I) Miss - Cure> Cancer Natural
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