skin cancer pictures


Monday, September 12, 2011

What Are Signs and Symptoms of Melanoma Cancer?


Melanoma cancer because the skin starts to have problems with melanocytes. Often called the most dangerous skin cancer, melanoma is often not taken seriously in the early stages. This late diagnosis may lead to complications, and survival outcome in about 75 percent of patients do not know this type of skin cancer, so the character of the development of cancer melanoma is very important.
If there is a change in the ABCs of skin, you should take seriously. The ABC of self-examination of the skin that must be considered.
1 - Asymmetry2 - Border3-Color4 - diameter5 - Altitude
Stains and discoloration melanoma should be treated with serious question, can the visit to the doctor this and early treatment may well also be determined. What you need to know about the status of melanoma treatment is usually long and may consult with the doctor every two weeks for a few months to have to keep control over the terms and conditions taupe.
Melanin cells are the cells that color the skin tone and texture. One reason is that the discoloration of the skin cancer melanoma constant. The focus on skin color or light often results in too many people with dark skin, pale skin, so it looks correct. The skin may be venerable to UV rays and skin lesions also very easy to continue in this case.

UV rays on the skin, not just in the sun bad, but tanning lamps and booths can be a lot of UV radiation. Exposure to UV rays can cause skin problems and damage the DNA of skin cells in this process. This is another place where people of color very fair to try to change their skin color is brown with dangerous results. People to change their skin color will try to harm is often a high risk of melanoma and skin may begin in early melanoma moles.
In the early stages of cancer treatment for melanoma is simple. Reduce the exposure of the skin often a risk factor of UV rays can often work. The use of sunscreen and stay inside (10.00 to 16.00 clock), the sun, or remain in the colors can also be useful too.

For more information about Melanoma Cancer and Melanoma Cancer Symptoms


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