skin cancer pictures


Friday, November 4, 2011

Sunlight for Your Life


All life on earth and everything in nature as it is in need around the sun. Without them there would be no life on the planet. All life depends on the so-Sunlight, the plants change in the living energy, and all animals need plants or animals live. All life in the natural world is dependent on the so-we humans are a part of nature. We need sunlight as everyone now.
Sunlight is necessary for life and fitness. It often seems afraid of skin cancer. People say, skin cancer and sun protection should show sun cause skin cancer to stop. This is a general theory of fat and spirit of the medical symptoms of the disease the appeal. Skin cancer is increasing because people are expected to spend more time in the sun, and the theory is "proof" that skin cancer is caused by the sun. Will the experts that most cancer is on the rise? The sun cause these cancers as well?
Well, my friends, I have a question for you. Like many other terrible things that are on the rise as people? Batches. The fact that the sun hit the skin, to say the power, which means it's the only thing that "cause" of skin cancer. You are looking for a cause and cure. Remember, there is no single cause, no matter what happens. Only causative factors.

In my opinion, was not the sun that contribute to cancer, but burned by the sun. Most people know sunlight months after the weekend fight game and go in the sun all weekend, often burned. My inner knowing tells me this is what is burning is the main cause of skin cancer, not the actual introduction of the so-
So raise if not you, is when the sunlight, and you know you're in the sun for long periods, use a sunscreen without chemicals.
The satire of sunscreen is the material most people use, in fact, contain a chemical that is identified as a carcinogen. The FDA says PABA is a known carcinogen, or causes cancer and yet it is in most sunscreens. As satirical. There use PABA-free sunscreen, the "new" different chemicals. My account that replace the chemicals that PABA is soon identified as a carcinogen. Give it time. Even PABA was labeled "safe" by the FDA in the first place.

My advice: a good sunscreen without chemicals. have many natural food stores. Or find a location near you that sell on the net. Avalon Organics is the sunblock and I advise you to use. unfortunately not around now.
The best way to get sunlight is go outside. Get each day, with no partner or glasses and a lot of skin to sunlight. For this is not possible, since at a place where there live a thing called cold. So a good option is always something the whole range of lamps for the excellent work and at home. They are made of pear as the sun. Can also be ordered online, the final solution of the type I is used. But beware, not all full spectrum bulbs are formed. Most light bulbs full spectrum of the normal rules that are not part of a common illumination.
A fun alternative is to the south by the cold. Go to any place where you can stay in the sun without glasses or contact lenses, with lots of skin to the sun.
So, as you have sunlight throughout the year as healthy.
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