skin cancer pictures


Monday, October 24, 2011

Skin Cancer

 BY Aakash shah

Skin cancer is a disease that can happen to anyone. Medical experts today could not specify the age of onset group. It could not succeed in reducing the chances of occurrence, because every year increases the statistics of cancer patients. Skin cancer is not as damaging as other types of cancer. Cancer cells often affect normal cells, and endangered the normal functioning of other organs. Therefore, the cancer spreads to other organs. However, doing in a patient with skin cancer is not the same against the risks. Now a person feels a sense of unease, because the skin is the body is affected. Skin cancers are divided into two types. Skin type depends on the origin of the cells. Impact of the United States are now so high that almost 1 million people vulnerable to skin cancer each year.

Symptoms of cancers are usually not mentioned. First, the cancer will become the form of pre-cancerous lesions known as dysplasia. This tumor is not cancer, but later developed into cancer cells. These tumors are benign, and nature is the treatment of tumors is also simple. But in the case, for a long time, it is neglected malignant. when the cancer develops after it spreads to other organs and impairs the normal function of the skin.

There are three types of skin cancer. They are basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma and melanoma. Melanoma is rare and the rate of occurrence of BCC and SCC is 90% of cancers of the total. These two species do not spread to other organs at the expense of the normal operation to spread. However, melanoma is the property of metastazing. Metastazing means that the spread of cancer cells to other organs. A CSC should be influenced above is elliptical cell. BCC and SCC both diseases are treated the same way. Melanoma is the most severe disease are related to these two diseases treated with chemotherapy techniques, because the disease often spreads to other cells.

As with other types of cancer, one must be aware of the symptoms of skin cancer, and therefore we can begin treatment as early as possible. Until now no one knows the exact symptoms that can be detected before the onset of skin cancer, but factors such as hereditary cancers, the skin may cause cancer in simple at first. Be aware on these factors. If someone in the family already suffering from skin cancer and then other members should attend. Skin cancer begins in moles known as dysplastic nevi. The disease is easier for people, the elderly are caused. Today, due to solar radiation and the high solar radiation or cancer of the skin to UV light caused by factors. Avoid sunburn or apply creams that protect you against harmful sun rays.

But, but, take organizations like the WHO to reduce the risk of these cancers. In this way, people are known all over the world for the spread of the disease. If a person has doubts about your skin problem, it should immediately consult your doctor and take treatments whenever possible.

Visit the Health Guide, to learn more about skin cancer.

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